Connecting people and businesses in the communities between Oxford, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Cambridge.

The new railway would open up new journeys, cut travel times, ease congestion on local roads and bring jobs within reach of people living locally. East West Rail is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to connect the region with a new fast, affordable and sustainable public transport solution.

Priority given to new station on Oxford to Cambridge growth corridor

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Test Train MK Bletchley 1
Full East West Rail route map Full East West Rail route map
Oxford Parkway
Milton Keynes
Marston Vale
Cambridge South

Explore the route

Learn more about how different communities along the route will benefit from East West Rail.




Milton Keynes

Marston Vale






Unlocking the region’s potential

Businesses in the corridor which runs from Oxford to Cambridge help make the UK a global leader in life sciences, technology and innovation. The region has huge potential but is constrained by poor transport connectivity – restricting people’s opportunities and holding back progress. EWR is key to unlocking potential and sustainable growth.

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Greener for the environment

Putting environmental sustainability at the forefront of East West Rail presents opportunities that will benefit our natural environment, and the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve. Environmental sustainability is at the heart of our decision making and we continue to consider how the railway can improve to protect the environment.

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How East West Rail would benefit the region

    Across the proposed EWR route there would be connections to most north-south main lines, making it easier to travel further afield as well as locally. Via connecting services, you could also reach five international airports from the area. 

    With more choice and a reliable, faster alternative to private road vehicles, East West Rail would ease traffic on local roads and offer better connectivity around the area.

    The railway will make it easier for people to commute to different locations across the region, especially vibrant economic hubs such as Oxford, Milton Keynes and Cambridge. That means more people can reach quality jobs across the route, expanding talent pools within commuter distance.

    Despite being a short distance apart, journeys from towns such as Milton Keynes and Bedford to Oxford and Cambridge currently take a long time because of congested roads and the lack of public transport. By offering rail travel as an alternative, EWR can help to ease traffic on local roads by reducing people’s reliance on cars. It will also give people more choice, offering more sustainable ways to travel and opportunities to relax or work while travelling. 

    Compared to a car journey, travelling by train can reduce emissions up to two thirds and our aim is to become a net zero carbon railway. EWR would help take cars and lorries off local roads resulting in cleaner air, safer roads and less congestion.

    Journeys between Oxford and Cambridge could be completed in around 1h 30 minutes with East West Rail, meaning those with friends and family across the route will be within easier reach For friends and family further afield, connections with most north-south main lines will provide new connections within this region and beyond.

    EWR would make it easier to reach cultural hotspots, areas of beauty and tourist attractions in the local area and beyond. It will open up new journeys because of its key intersections with most north-south main rail lines – including the East Coast Main Line, Midland Main Line and West Coast Main Line

Our project timeline


Department for Transport create EWR Co

In 2017, the Department for Transport created EWR Co to look at plans being developed for a new railway between Oxford and Cambridge.

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EWR Co host first non-statutory consultation

Developing plans are shared with communities and stakeholders on initial route options for the railways between Oxford and Cambridge

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Funding committed to support next phase of East West Rail

Government commit £760 million in new funding to support the new East West Rail line. The investment means further vital construction work can begin and represents an important milestone in the project.

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EWR Co host second non-statutory consultation

This consultation shared plans at a formative stage and covered customer experience, railway operations and a range of infrastructure proposals.

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EWR Co present Route Update Announcement

This route update provided the next major milestone in the planning process and covered three key elements: route preferences, route-wide matters and the next steps in the project.

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East meets west

East West Rail infrastructure connects Oxford and Bletchley for the first time in 50 years.

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First train completes test run between Oxford and Milton Keynes

A key milestone for Connection Stage One of the East West Rail route reached after a test train successfully completes the first run between Oxford and Milton Keynes.

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EWR Co host third non-statutory consultation

Following previous rounds of consultation, updated designs are shared for consultation. This will communities and stakeholders the opportunity to feedback on proposals ahead of statutory consultation and eventual DCO submission.

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Accelerations work begins to upgrade the Marston Vale Line

Delivery of works on the Bletchley to Bedford section of East West Rail will be accelerated, supported by £240m government investment. These works will enable the service between Oxford and Bedford to commence by the end of the decade.


EWR Co to hold a statutory consultation

This major milestone ahead of securing a Development Content Order will engage with statutory bodies, communities and stakeholders to understand views on latest proposals ahead of a final government approval.


DCO application

We will submit our plans to build the railway to Secretary of State and the Planning Inspectorate. More details can be found on our DCO factsheet.

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Oxford to Bedford services ready for operation

Our work on the Marston Vale acceleration will allow for passenger services to start running between Oxford and Bedford before the end of the decade. However, further work is required to enable the full EWR service.


Current EWR proposals reach completion

* Some future dates are dependent on external factors. Where possible, we will update this timeline with indicative dates at the earliest opportunity to provide a better understanding down the line.

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