East West Rail Publication Scheme
We follow the ICO’s Model Publication Scheme and the ICO’s definition document for wholly owned companies. The Freedom of Information Act encourages public authorities to make as much information as possible proactively available to members of the public. Below, you’ll find information that’ll help you to understand who we are, what we spend and what our priorities are.
The Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act requires us to adopt a publication scheme about information that we make available, and to ensure that information is published in accordance with the scheme. We make this information available on our website on this webpage. We currently don't charge copies of information as we try to make this readily accessible online or via other accessible formats, however this may change in the future. We review this publication scheme annually, but some documents may be updated throughout this period or when they have been through their own review processes, such as our Annual Reports.
Freedom of Information and Environmental Information requests
If you wish to make a Freedom of Information request, then you can contact us using the following:
- Email us at [email protected]
- Write to us at FREEPOST East West Rail, Information Governance Team
When you make a request, you need to include the following:
- Your full name
- An address for correspondence (you can use an email address)
- What information you want to receive, and your preferred format
Once we’ve processed your request, we will either provide you with the information we hold, or tell you why we are not providing the information you have requested.
If you’re not satisfied with the response we give you, you can ask us to conduct an internal review. The details for this process will be on the response you receive.
If you aren’t satisfied with the outcome of an internal review, then you can complain or appeal to The Information Commissioners Office.

- About Us – this includes details of our Executive Team, our Board, and our roles and responsibilities.
- Project Overview – this includes details about our Project, our Connection Stages, and information on our delivery partners.
- Our Policies and Governance – this links to our Library where our main policies can be found.
- Our Community Hub – this is where you can find information on events and meetings related to East West Rail.
- Articles of Association – this is our Articles of Association document.
- Our contact details – this is how to get in touch with us.
- Framework Agreement – this is our Framework Agreement, available to download from the Government website that is linked here.
- Organisation chart – these show the roles within the organisation with names of our Executive Team.
- Spend over £25,000 – this details our spend over £25,000, including costs, supplier, and transaction information. (Click on the file and then look for EWR in column B.)
- Annual Report and Accounts – our Annual Reports are available to download on this page. They include our annual accounts, our financial statements, and our audit reports. This also contains our report on Gender Pay Gap, within the “People and Renumeration” section.
- Available Contracts – our list of future contract opportunities (over £2m), known as our pipeline, is available via the DfT. (Click on the CSV file and then in column B look for EWR)
- Awarded Contracts - available on the government Contract Finder website page. Click on the 'Start Now' green button, on the next screen type in EWR in the keywords box, scroll down and ensure only the Contract Award box is ticked (untick any other), this will then return a list that can be sorted as necessary.
- Senior Officials and High Earners – this details the pay of our permanent Senior Leadership Team members.
- Route Update – our latest news from our Route Update Announcement, which includes videos on frequently asked questions, our Preferred Route Alignment, and a range of key documents available for download such as factsheets.
- Land and Property – our Land and Property section details information on Land Interest Questionnaires, the Need to Sell Scheme, and a range of key documents relating to this topic.
- DCO Process – information on our Development Consent Order, which is a piece of law that gives East West Railway Company authority to build the new railway.
- Board Reports – minutes of our board meetings where decisions are made about providing services.
- Board Terms of Reference
- Annual Report and Accounts – our Annual Reports are available to download on this page. They include our strategic reports, sustainability reports, and governance statements.
- Our policies and procedures – our policies and procedures relating to the conduct of our business, the delivery of our services, our recruitment and employment of staff, equality, and more. This link takes you to our “Policies & Governance” section of our Library. All our policies are subject to regular reviews and will be updated where required.
- Our Management Framework Policy – this is our policy document that supports our Purpose and Vision.
- Our Privacy page – this page explains how and why we’ll use your data, and what your rights are. It also has the contact details for our Data Protection Officer.
- Supplier Register
- Gifts and Hospitality Register
- Register of Interests
- DPIA list
The links here will provide you with information about how we work as a business, how we relate to the Government, and information about our Executive Team and Board.
The links here will provide you with our financial information, including the funding we receive and how we spend our money.
The links here provide information about EWR, such as what our priorities are, and our approach.
The links here provide details of our decision making processes, and records of our decisions.
The links here give details about our rules and guidelines for our work, including our Privacy Policy.
The links here are for the lists and registers that we have, such as our asset registers and suppliers.
The links on this page are for news, media releases, and updates on EWR. These are the different types of new releases that we have, and each are listed individually below. There is also a link that takes you to our Newsletter subscription if you want to receive regular updates on the project.