8.08.2024 /

Freedom of Information (FOI) map requests

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Recently, we released a series of maps which were requested as part of a Freedom of Information request. These have now been published on several websites and on social media, therefore we'd like to clarify the content of these maps.

The engineering drawings and maps released as part of this FOI are out of date and do not represent our current design proposals, or the exact size or location of the land needed to construct the railway. These maps date from 2022, and since then the design of the railway has evolved significantly. 

We were due to present our latest plans at our statutory consultation in June. However, following the announcement of a general election, and in order to comply with pre-election guidelines, that consultation was paused.  Following the election, we're now working closely with new Ministers to agree the next steps for the project.  While we understand the desire from stakeholders, landowners and the public for more information, we will of course provide an update as soon as we are able to do so.