Our approach to the environment

At each stage of planning and developing East West Rail we work to ensure nature has a central place in our plans. We want to change the environment for the better, including delivering biodiversity net gain.

We are committed to delivering 10% biodiversity net gain for the project. Providing a biodiversity net gain means that the development will have a measurably positive impact (‘net gain’) on biodiversity, compared to what was there before the development. Achieving a biodiversity net gain means taking action to improve and increase the level of biodiversity rather than simply replacing what is lost. We will also continue to take a proactive approach to avoid, reduce and mitigate negative environmental impacts to deliver a sustainable railway.

Since 2021, we’ve updated our Environmental Sustainability Strategy in response to the government setting out its environmental goals. You can read more about our Environmental Sustainability Strategy in https://eastwestrail.co.uk/planning/environment-sustainability

Since 2021, we’ve updated our Environment Sustainability Strategy. We’re committed to increasing the level of biodiversity rather than simply replacing what’s lost.

We are here: The Environmental Update Report, which has been published as part of this consultation, sets out how environmental considerations have been, and will continue to be, reflected in the evolving design of our proposals. It highlights the key sensitivities and potential environmental impacts of the project, as well as opportunities for mitigating these impacts and effects.

The Preliminary Environmental Information Report, which will be published at the statutory consultation, will include more detailed preliminary environmental information about predicted impacts and likely significant effects and proposals for environmental mitigation.

The Environmental Statement, which will be submitted as part of our DCO application, will set out the full results of our Environmental Impact Assessment.

The six pillars of our Environmental Sustainability Strategy are:

Natural environment
A railway that: Support a thriving and diverse natural environment.

Ambition and definition: Through ensuring the maintenance of healthy ecosystems (wildlife, habitats, soil, land and water resources.


A railway that: Enables operational net zero carbon by 2050.

Ambition and definition: Through robust carbon management, during design and construction, delivering sustained reductions in whole life carbon emissions.

Climate resilience

A railway that: is prepared for a changing climate

Ambition and definition: Through ensuring our design, construction and operation is resilient in the long term.

Historic environment and landscape

A railway that: Responds to its surroundings, protects views and celebrates heritage.

Ambition and definition: Through sensitive integration into the existing landscape, valuing our historic environment.

Circular economy

A railway that: Supports a circular economy.

Ambition and definition: Through minimising waste, promoting materials efficiency and turning waste into a resource.

People and community

A railway that: Protects the health and wellbeing of our communities, customers and colleagues.

Ambition and definition: Through managing impacts and providing opportunities for cycling, walking and the use of open space.