Door-to-door connectivity

Door-to-door connectivity considers the travel needs of  people from the very start of their journey until they reach their destination. 

Our approach would enable seamless, easy  and safe journeys for everyone across  the East West Rail route, including people with  additional accessibility needs, with a focus on:

  • Connectivity to and from stations.
  • Promoting and enabling active travel.
  • Maintaining community connectivity.

Connectivity to and from stations

It is important that customers can get to and  from our stations with ease. We aim to enable a choice of travel options to do this, including the private car, but focussed on public transport,  active travel (cycling, walking and wheeling)  and shared mobility (such as car sharing).

As we develop our design, we will continue to  consider how to provide easy transfer between all transport options at stations served by East West Rail. This will include bus interchanges,  facilities for cyclists, and ‘mobility hubs’ which  offer shared mobility services such as cycle  and scooter hire.

Promoting and enabling active travel

Active travel is a way of making everyday  journeys physically active – like walking,  wheeling (using a wheelchair or mobility aid), cycling, or scootering. 

There are many benefits to this type of  journey. Any kind of physical activity is good for us and helps take cars off the road, reducing local road congestion and air pollution. 

At stations, we would seek to provide secure  storage and facilities for all types of cycle and scooters, including adapted bicycles. We  are working with local authorities to seek to  make infrastructure, such as cycle and walking paths, safe and easy-to-use on routes to and  from stations.

Maintaining community connectivity

It is vital that people can still get to places that  are important to them without adding excessive time, distance or effort to their journeys. 

Where cross-community links could be  affected due to the closure of level crossings  and public rights of way, we would seek to develop suitable safe and convenient  alternatives and would consider the specific  needs of people such as Persons of Restricted Mobility (PRM), equestrians, cyclists, and  school children in our designs.

How will East West Rail deliver all of this?

Our proposals would provide for facilities and services at stations and measures along the  railway, to enable active travel and seamless  transfer to East West Rail services.  

We can’t deliver our plans in isolation, so we  will collaborate with local authorities on routes to and from stations which fall outside of our  Development Consent Order and within the  communities across the East West Rail route to complement and improve current active travel  and public transport networks. 

Some examples of what we’re considering

In Bletchley we’re working with the local  authority and other local stakeholders to make  it easier to access the existing railway station to and from the surrounding area. We are  developing our understanding of how improving public spaces and opportunities for active travel could further improve access. One idea  under consideration that could help with this is  a new eastern entrance to the station. As with  any additions to a project, there are funding  implications for this approach which will need  to be taken into account.

At Cambourne we’re looking at potential active  travel routes to and from the station to facilitate connectivity to the town centre and to the  proposed housing developments in the area. 

At Oxford Parkway we’re working with the  local authority and other key stakeholders to determine future needs at the station in terms of the provision of car parking, bus  interchange and active travel facilities.