Land Interest Questionnaires (LIQs) are an essential part of the planning process for projects like East West Rail. They help identify who owns, occupies and uses land that may be affected by the railway – and it means we can keep people fully informed about our consultations and the planning process.

We’ve sent LIQs to people who might hold an interest in land potentially affected by the railway, which are based on recent Land Registry and desktop searches. For example, the Project may affect land in different ways, such as the proximity to the railway corridor or land on the preferred route alignment that may be required for the Project or impacted by the operation of the railway when constructed.

It’s important to note that receiving a LIQ does not necessarily indicate we will need to acquire or use your land.

LIQ update

LIQs have been posted to households and landowners, and this was followed by phone calls and emails to encourage completion. Where we have not been able to make contact or have not received a completed form, we have begun to go out to the community to visit relevant properties to encourage the completion of LIQs and answer any questions that people may have.

The announcement of a general election in May meant that plans to share the latest plans at a statutory consultation at the end of June were paused, and we recognise this was disappointing to many communities and landowners along the route waiting for more details on our proposals. Following the election, we are now working closely with the new government to agree the next steps for the project. 

We’re committed to keeping communities and landowners informed every step of the way and we will provide an update on a future consultation as soon as we can.

A list of questions and answers about the Land Interest Questionnaires can be found here.




What's next?

We’re still in the planning stages for East West Rail and updated proposals will be shared at a future consultation. This will outline the extent of land and property needed to build and operate the railway.

Get in touch

If you believe you should have received a LIQ but did not, or if you have any other questions about the process, please contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling 0330 8387583.