Consultation overview: 31 March - 9 June 2021

We want to hear your views on our developing plans
This consultation covers customer experience, railway operations and a range of infrastructure proposals. We are consulting you while our plans are still at a formative stage.

There are lots of ways to get involved
He have opened our Virtual Consultation Rooms (below) and are hosting virtual community events and live chat Q&As.

Consultation closes on 9 June 2021
Please send us your views before consultation closes, using the feedback form found below.

Learn more about our proposals
You'll find a range of documents, maps and materials at the bottom of this page.
What this consultation covers
About this Consultation
This consultation covers the overall customer experience and railway operations for East West Rail, as well as a range of infrastructure proposals - such as route alignments, stations and level crossings. The below map shows the six geographic areas where these infrastructure proposals are located.

All the information you need to respond
To learn about our developing plans, we encourage you to download our Consultation Document. The Consultation Document is designed to give you the key information you need to consider our developing plans.
You can download the full Consultation Document (PDF - 21MB), or navigate to the bottom of this page where we've broken it into smaller versions - based on topic and chapter. You'll also find at the bottom of this page a range of supporting materials, including a more detailed technical report, fact sheets, and large versions of our maps.
Please note that due to large amount of documents and maps, they are stored at the bottom of this page under expandable headings. Full lists of these documents with links to download can be accessed at the following locations:
If you would like physical copies of our documents sent to you, please visit our online order form [link expired].
The consultation process
This public consultation will run from 31 March - 9 June 2021. This is your opportunity to share your views on our developing plans. These plans are found in the documents at the bottom of this page.
This is the second public consultation we have carried out to share our Project plans. Following this consultation we will carefully analyse and review all your responses, take them into account and explain how we are doing that in a summary report.
Using feedback from this consultation alongside continuing environmental, economic and technical studies, we will further progress plans for East West Rail. We will then present these plans for further comment in a statutory consultation, before submitting an application for consent to build and operate East West Rail to the Secretary of State for Transport for consideration.
Respond to this consultation
Please share your views with us by filling out our online feedback form [link expired].
Alternatively, you can:
- Download and print a copy of our feedback form (PDF, 70KB) and send to us at Freepost EAST WEST RAIL, or scan and send a copy to [email protected]
- Send your feedback directly to [email protected]
Please get in touch if you require copies of our consultation materials in Braille, large text or another language.
Visit our Virtual Consultation Rooms
Our seven virtual consultation rooms are designed to replicate an in-person consultation event, allowing you to navigate around, engage with our team, and learn more about our plans to deliver East West Rail. All rooms contain banners, fact sheets, document libraries, videos and a feedback terminal.
We will also be holding weekly, two-hour live chat sessions where you will be able to engage with the EWR Co project team to ask questions. All you need to do is visit a virtual consultation room and open the chat box function. The times and dates for these live chat sessions can be found towards the bottom of this page under the heading 'Live Chat Events'.
Visit the roomsThe Need to Sell Scheme
We are also consulting on our proposals for a Need to Sell Scheme, that if introduced, would aim to support people whose ability to sell their property was affected by the Project following the announcement of a preferred route alignment.
If you would like to tell us your views on the proposed Need to Sell Scheme or would like to read our supporting materials for property owners potentially affected by the East West Rail Project, please visit our land and property page.
You can still provide feedback on the wider project and our proposals, including how they may affect you directly as a property owner, using the feedback form on this page.
Learn morePublic events for you to attend online
Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are not able to hold face-to-face public meetings so we have online events you can join to hear our proposals and ask questions. Throughout the consultation we are holding:
- Geographically-based webinars
- Customer experience and railway operations webinars
- Weekly live chat events
More information about each of these events is provided below, under the corresponding dropdown heading.
Not online or uncomfortable in an online space?
If you or someone you know has questions about the project and are not online, or are not comfortable in an online, setting please call us on 0330 1340067 and one of our team will help you.
- Oxford to Bletchley, briefing webinar - Download Presentation
- Bletchley to Bedford – Download Presentation
- Bedford to Cambridge – Download Presentation
- Oxford and Cherwell, meeting one – Download Presentation
- Bicester, meeting one – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Buckinghamshire, meeting one – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Bletchley, meeting one – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Central Bedfordshire west, Watch Event – Download Presentation
- Bedford south and Bedford town, meeting one – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Bedford north, meeting one – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Cambourne, Central Bedfordshire east and Huntingdonshire, meeting one – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Cambridgeshire south, meeting one – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Cambridgeshire north, meeting one – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Oxford and Cherwell, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Bicester, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Buckinghamshire, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Bletchley, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Central Bedfordshire west, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Bedford south and Bedford town, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Bedford north, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Cambourne, Central Bedfordshire east and Huntingdonshire, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Cambridgeshire south, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
- Cambridgeshire north, meeting two – Watch Event / Download Presentation
Please visit our webinars page to access links to future webinars and recordings of previous webinars.
Please visit our webinars page to access links to future webinars and recordings of previous webinars.
We will be holding weekly, two-hour live chat sessions where members of the public will be able to engage with the EWR Co project team to ask questions. All you need to do is visit any of our virtual consultation rooms and open the chat box function on the screen to chat directly to a member of the East West Rail team. The chat box appears in the bottom corner in a blue speech bubble, as shown below.
Please note: Depending on your security permissions, you may need to disable pop ups in order to see and use the tool.
Public live chat week 1: Tuesday 13 April, 2pm - 4pm
Public live chat week 3: Wednesday 21 April, 10am - 12pm
Public live chat week 3: Saturday 24 April, 2pm - 4pm*
Public live chat week 4: Monday 26 April, 10am - 12pm
Public live chat week 5: Tuesday 4 May, 6pm - 8pm
Public live chat week 5: Wednesday 5 May: 6pm-8pm (new)
Public live chat week 6: Thursday 13 May, 10am - 12pm
Public live chat week 6: Saturday 15 May, 11am-1pm (new)
Public live chat week 7: Thursday 20 May, 10am - 12pm (new)
Public live chat week 7: Saturday 22 May, 10am-12pm
Public live chat week 8: Monday 24 May, 2pm - 4pm
Public live chat week 8: Thursday 27 May, 6pm-8pm (new)
Public live chat week 8: Saturday 29 May, 2pm-4pm
Public live chat week 9: Monday 31 May, 2pm-4pm (new)
Public live chat week 9: Tuesday 1 June. 6pm - 8pm
Public live chat week 9: Wednesday 2 June, 6pm-8pm (new)
*Please note that following the passing of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and in line with guidance from the Government on consultation activity over the period of national mourning, East West Railway Company (EWR Co) has rescheduled a public live chat event that was set to take place on Saturday 17 April 2pm-4pm, to Saturday 24 April 2pm-4pm.
You can find presentations and recordings from the public events on our webinars page.
Recordings of our Councillor and Parish briefings and meetings can be found below.
Councillors and Parish Councils briefing webinars – 31 March
Councillors and Parish Councils meetings – week commencing 5 April
Councillors and Parish Councils meetings – week commencing 24 May
We're here to help
If you have any questions about the consultation or the East West Rail project more broadly, please get in touch through the following contact channels:
- Email us: [email protected]
- Send us a message online:
- Write to us: Freepost EAST WEST RAIL
- Call us: 0330 1340067
Key Consultation Documents
- Consultation Document - The Approach to Cambridge (PDF - 8MB)
- Consultation Document - Customer Experience and Railway Operations (PDF - 5MB)
- Consultation Document - Section A: Oxford to Bicester (PDF - 8.9MB)
- Consultation Document - Section B: Bletchley and the Marston Vale Line (PDF - 9.1MB)
- Consultation Document - Section C: Bedford (PDF - 6.5MB)
- Consultation Document - Section D: Clapham Green to The Eversdens (PDF - 7.1MB)
- Consultation Document - Section E: Harlton to Hauxton (PDF - 5.8MB)
- Consultation Document - Section F: The Shelfords to Cambridge (PDF - 6.5MB)
- Consultation Technical Report - Chapters 1-7 (PDF - 8.1MB)
- Consultation Technical Report - Chapters 8-12 (PDF - 8.6MB)
- Download and print a copy of our feedback form (PDF, 70KB) and send to us at Freepost EAST WEST RAIL, or scan and send a copy to [email protected]
- Send your feedback directly to [email protected]
Full version
Full version
Please share your views with us by filling out our online feedback form.
Alternatively, you can:
- Oxford and Oxford station (PDF)
- Oxford Parkway station and Bicester Village station - Proposals (PDF)
- Bicester London Road Level Crossings - Concepts Overview (PDF)
- Bicester London Road Level Crossing - Concept 1 (PDF)
- Bicester London Road Level Crossing - Concept 2 (PDF)
- Bicester London Road Level Crossing - Concept 3 (PDF)
- Bicester London Road Level Crossing - Concept 4 (PDF)
- Bicester London Road Level Crossing - Concept 5 (PDF)
- Bicester London Road Level Crossing - Concept 6 (PDF)
- Bletchley station: indicative search area for station works (PDF)
- Fenny Stratford additional track (PDF)
- Concept 1: Overview map (PDF)
- Concept 1: Woburn Sands station platform extension (PDF)
- Concept 1: Ridgmont station relocation and passing loops (PDF)
- Concept 2: Overview map (PDF)
- Concept 2: Woburn Sands station relocation {PDF)
- Concept 2: Ridgmont station relocation (PDF)
- Concept 2: Lidlington station relocation (PDF)
- Concept 2: Stewartby station relocation (PDF)
- Location of Marston Vale level crossings proposed for closure (PDF)
- Fenny Stratford: vehicular traffic option 1 (PDF)
- Fenny Stratford: vehicular traffic option 2 (PDF)
- Fenny Stratford: vehicular traffic option 3 (PDF)
- Fenny Stratford: pedestrians and others option 1 (PDF)
- Fenny Stratford: pedestrians and others option 2 (PDF)
- Fenny Stratford: pedestrians and others option 3 (PDF)
- Bow Brickhill level crossing location (PDF)
- Bow Brickhill: option 1 (PDF)
- Bow Brickhill: option 2 (PDF)
- Bow Brickhill: option 3 (PDF)
- Bow Brickhill: option 4 (PDF)
- Browns Wood level crossing location (PDF)
- Browns Wood: option 1 (PDF)
- Browns Wood: option 2 (PDF)
- Browns Wood: option 3 (PDF)
- Pony level crossing location (PDF)
- Pony: option 1 (PDF)
- Pony: option 2 (PDF)
- Pony: option 3 (PDF)
- Woburn Sands level crossing locations (PDF)
- Woburn Sands: option 1 - new road (PDF)
- Woburn Sands: option 1 - new school crossing bridge (PDF)
- Woburn Sands: option 2 (PDF)
- Aspley Guise and Husborne Crawley level crossing locations (PDF)
- Aspley Guise and Husborne Crawley: option 1 (PDF)
- Aspley Guise and Husborne Crawley: option 2 (PDF)
- Husborne Crawley Footpath No. 10 and Station Road in Ridgmont level crossing locations (PDF)
- Husborne Crawley Footpath No. 10: option 1 (PDF)
- Husborne Crawley Footpath No. 10: option 2 (PDF)
- Husborne Crawley Footpath No. 10: option 3 (PDF)
- Lidlington level crossing locations (PDF)
- Lidlinton: option 1 (PDF)
- Lidlinton: option 2 (PDF)
- Millbrook level crossing location (PDF)
- Millbrook: option 1 (PDF)
- Millbrook: option 2 (PDF)
- Millbrook: option 3 (PDF)
- Green Lane: option 1 (PDF)
- Green Lane: option 2 (PDF)
- Wootton Broadmead level crossing location (PDF)
- Wootton Broadmead: option 1 (PDF)
- Wootton Broadmead: option 2 (PDF)
- Wootton Village: option 1 (PDF)
- Kempston Hardwick: option 1 (PDF)
- Kempston Hardwick: option 2 (PDF)
- Kempston Hardwick: option 3 (PDF)
- Woburn Road: option 1 (PDF)
- Woburn Road: option 2 (PDF)
- Bedford Carriage Sidings: option 1 (PDF)
- Bedford St Johns station relocation - option 1 (PDF)
- Bedford St Johns station relocation - option 2 (PDF)
- Shortlisted five route alignments - overview (PDF)
- Discounted four route alignments - overview (PDF)
- Route Alignment 1 - St Neots South Option A station to Cambourne North station - overview (PDF)
- Route Alignment 1 - section between Clapham Green and St Neots South Option A station (PDF)
- Route Alignment 1 - section between Great Barford and Eltisley (PDF)
- Route Alignment 1 - section between Croxton and Little Eversden (PDF)
- Route Alignment 2 - St Neots South Option A station to Cambourne South station - overview (PDF)
- Route Alignment 2 - section between Clapham Green and St Neots South Option A station (PDF)
- Route Alignment 2 - section between Great Barford and Eltisley (PDF)
- Route Alignment 2 - section between Croxton and Little Eversden (PDF)
- Route Alignment 6 - St Neots South Option B station to Cambourne South station - overview (PDF)
- Route Alignment 6 - section between Clapham Green and St Neots South Option B station (PDF)
- Route Alignment 6 - section between Great Barford and Eltisley (PDF)
- Route Alignment 6 - section between Waresley and Little Eversden (PDF)
- Route Alignment 8 - Tempsford Option B station to Cambourne South station - overview (PDF)
- Route Alignment 8 - section between Clapham Green and Tempsford Option B station (PDF)
- Route Alignment 8 - section between Great Barford and Eltisley (PDF)
- Route Alignment 8 - section between Waresley and Little Eversden (PDF)
- Route Alignment 9 - Tempsford Option A station to Cambourne North station - overview (PDF)
- Route Alignment 9 - section between Clapham Green and Tempsford Option A station (PDF)
- Route Alignment 9 - section between Great Barford and Eltisley (PDF)
- Route Alignment 9 - section between Croxton and Little Eversden (PDF)
Interactive map
Use this map to navigate around the Oxford to Bicester area and find out what our proposals mean for you. You can personalise this map by using the layers tab and turning on/off our various proposals in the area.
These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
View the Oxford to Bicester interactive map (external).
PDF maps
The following maps are contained within our Consultation Document, and can be downloaded individually to be viewed at a larger scale. These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
Interactive map
Use this map to navigate around the Bletchley and Marston Vale Line area and find out what our proposals mean for you. You can personalise this map by using the layers tab and turning on/off our various proposals in the area.
These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
View the Bletchley and Marston Vale Line interactive map (external).
PDF maps
The following maps are contained within our Consultation Document, and can be downloaded individually to be viewed at a larger scale. These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
Bletchley & Fenny Stratford works:
Concept 1 & Concept 2:
Level Crossings:
We have also produced a Bletchley and Marston Vale Line interactive map, which you can access here. This map allows you to navigate around the Bletchley and Marston Vale Line area to inspect our various proposals.
Interactive map
Use this map to navigate around the Bedford area and find out what our proposals mean for you. You can personalise this map by using the layers tab and turning on/off our various proposals in the area.
These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
View the Bedford interactive map (external).
PDF maps
The following maps are contained within our Consultation Document, and can be downloaded individually to be viewed at a larger scale. These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
Bedford St Johns:
North Bedford
Interactive map
Use this map to navigate around the Clapham Green to the Eversdens area and find out what our proposals mean for you. You can personalise this map by using the layers tab and turning on/off our various proposals in the area.
These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
View the Clapham Green to The Eversdens interactive map (external).
PDF maps
The following maps are contained within our Consultation Document, and can be downloaded individually to be viewed at a larger scale. These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
Route Alignment 1: The Dark Blue Alignment
Route Alignment 2: The Red Alignment
Route Alignment 6: The Light Blue Alignment
Route Alignment 8: The Yellow Alignment
Route Alignment 9: The Purple Alignment
Interactive map
Use this map to navigate around the Harlton to Hauxton area and find out what our proposals mean for you. You can personalise this map by using the layers tab and turning on/off our various proposals in the area.
These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
View the Harlton to Hauxton interactive map (external).
PDF maps
The following map is contained within our Consultation Document, and can be downloaded individually to be viewed at a larger scale. These map should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
Interactive map
Use this map to navigate around the area between The Shelfords and Cambridge and find out what our proposals mean for you. You can personalise this map by using the layers tab and turning on/off our various proposals in the area.
These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
View The Shelfords to Cambridge interactive map (external).
The following maps are contained within our Consultation Document, and can be downloaded individually to be viewed at a larger scale. These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
PDF maps
Interactive map
Use this map to navigate around the area around the Approach to Cambridge and find out what our proposals mean for you. You can personalise this map by using the layers tab and turning on/off our various proposals in the area.
These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
View The Approach to Cambridge interactive map (external).
The following maps are contained within our Consultation Document, and can be downloaded individually to be viewed at a larger scale. These maps should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
PDF map
The following map is contained within our Consultation Document, and can be downloaded individually to be viewed at a larger scale. These map should be viewed in conjunction with the supporting text found within the Consultation Document.
Engineering Long Section Drawings
Supporting Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet: Accessibility and Inclusion
Fact Sheet: Active Travel
Fact Sheet: Approaching Cambridge
Fact Sheet: Assessment Factors
Fact Sheet: Bats
Fact Sheet: Benefits of East West Rail
Fact Sheet: Consultation Overview
Fact Sheet: Covid
Fact Sheet: Customer Experience and Operations
Fact Sheet: EWR Co and the EWR Project
Fact Sheet: Freight
Fact Sheet: Marston Vale Line
Fact Sheet: Our Approach to Environment
Fact sheet: Our Approach to Land and Landowners
Fact Sheet: Our Approach to Mitigating the Impact of Noise and Vibration