Season's greetings - a note from the CEO of EWR Co

As the holiday season approaches, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on what has been an unprecedented year for all of us. Local households, businesses and supply chains have all faced extraordinary challenges this year. Major infrastructure and engineering projects – as well as public transport providers – have also been tested like never before.

The spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent restrictions on movement and face-to-face interaction meant we have had to adapt some of the ways we work. This included the launch of our new online Community Hub in October which features a survey, an interactive map and an opportunity to share cherished memories and stories from journeys on the old Varsity Line. Thank you to all of you for contributing, sharing your stories and providing feedback. Your comments have been invaluable, and you’ll see in this newsletter how we have improved our interactive environmental map following your feedback.

Looking ahead, 2021 is an exciting year for East West Rail and EWR Co. We will continue to build on previous engagement and consultation and, next year, we’ll be launching a non-statutory consultation on proposals for the alignment section of the railway line from Bedford to Cambridge  (see the next section of this newsletter). We look forward to receiving your views.

Thank you for your ongoing involvement to help shape the future of East West Rail as we continue to work with local communities, businesses and neighbourhoods to develop a new, reliable, safe and environmentally sustainable way to make meaningful connections from Oxford to Cambridge.

The team here at East West Railway Company (EWR Co) would like to take this opportunity to wish you a peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year.

 This article featured in the Winter edition of our quarterly newsletter, Keeping you Connected. You can read the full newsletter here.